In year five with Rails I finally started contributing to high profile open source projects (ActiveAdmin, ActiveMerchant), albeit with mixed success. Understanding complex libraries written by others reacquainted me with debugging in RubyMine. In addition I published the first gems of my own using jeweler, taking my public GitHub contributions over 200 for the year. Working on OSS exposed me to Colloquy IRC and Travis CI. I contributed slightly more to StackOverflow and project related Google Groups.
At my employer our ‘mature’ Rails codebase has grown from 20 to 30KLOC, monitored soberly by Coveralls (87%), CodeClimate (2.8), Codeship CI, Rubocop, Gemnasium and Bliss. I remain committed to SublimeText, now with GitGutter and SublimeGit, and to RSpec, influenced heavily by a RSpec workshop at RailsConf 2014. New gems adopted this year included (tentatively) interactors, oink and thor. Documentation has been mildly improved using YARD.